Feb 29Steamboat Springs, ColoradoSteamboat Springs is an iconic western town that lies alongside the Yampa River in the Rocky Mountains in a region originally occupied by...
Jan 27Poland: Visiting AuschwitzJust over an hour outside the center of Krakow is Oswiecim, the Polish city whose name was changed to Auschwitz by the Nazis. Having...
Oct 30, 2023Michigan: Cross VillageOne of the Wanderer's favorite rides in Michigan heads north, more or less, on M-119, otherwise known as the Tunnel of Trees. This route...
Aug 29, 2023Alaska by RailMany people choose to visit Alaska via cruise ships and explore this beautiful state with shore excursions, but the Wanderer and her...
Jun 27, 2023Cuba: A Photography TourHave you ever wondered what it's like to travel with a small-group photography tour? The Wanderer was curious about this as well, and...